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A smart clip that assists families in developing healthy feeding habits for their dog.


What is Clipaw?

A smart clip for your dog's food bag. It counts each meal and displays the dog's eating status at anytime. Stay informed and keep your furry friend healthy with Clipaw.


Take a Deeper Look



Meals Tracking

Opening Clipaw records a meal and activates the Sun icon light, indicating that the dog has been fed. The same applies to the Moon icon.


Smart Alerts

עיצוב ללא שם (1)-min.gif

Clipaw is designed to alert users when their dog has recently eaten. In such situations, the device will flash red lights, indicating that the dog should not be fed at that time.


Automatic Reminders

Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp.gif

Forget to feed the dog? No problem! If Clipaw remains unopened for 2 hours past the configured meal time, it will automatically send a WhatsApp message to all family members.

Our Team

WhatsApp Image 2022-11-15 at 9.19.13 PM.jpeg

Roee Friedman

Computer Science & Entrepreneurship

WhatsApp Image 2022-11-15 at 9.06.15 PM.jpeg

Inbar Shalvi



Adi Negev


WhatsApp Image 2022-11-15 at 9.09.23 PM.jpeg

Tom Kaplan


WhatsApp Image 2022-11-15 at 10.38_edited.jpg

Revital Baron

Computer Science

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