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  • Writer's pictureרויטל ברון

Fine Tuning

Updated: Dec 17, 2022

How could we help the dog's caregiver, develop correct feeding habits for his dog and as a result improve their life?

Wow , what a week! First, our best Tom and Adi presented our domain and main need. The presentation brought some important feedback that definitely helped us this week.

This week was about fine-tuning. We tried to be more accurate when speaking of our users and the problem we want to solve.

Defining the user

We had a couple of different users in mind, and we decided to continue with family as a user. We saw that most of the users we interviewed were part of a group that had a kind of shared relationship with the dog, which strongly affected the dog's eating habits (most of the time - a family).

We also created an empathy map to better understand our user - what he thinks, feels, hears, sees and speaks.

Defining what 'good feeding habits' are?

We did research on the internet in order to find what good feeding habits are, and we saw that the list we came up with converged to 6 habits.

To verify these habits, we interviewed Asher - an expert in the dogs' field (dog trainer, a teacher for dog training, a lecturer in TAU for therapy using dogs and a marketing expert, etc). He helped us to shorten the list of correct feeding habits and gave us some interesting insights from his experience.

Now we are coming much more confident and ready with our idea for the next week!

Stay tuned ;)

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