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  • Writer's picturetomkaplan

And... There it is!

This week we have printed a new prototype, that has two features that are the most important in our product:

- A symbol for the number of meals the dog ate. (2–3 small lights)

- An alert when the user reaches for the clips when he shouldn't do that. (blinking red light)

It's important to say that we also, for the first time, switched the materials we thought would be used for our product: from a regular clip to one that uses magnets.

We can say, first of all, that people loved our product! We got a lot of compliments about the purpose and the design. Second, the features were pretty clear: there was a bit of confusion with the first counted meal, but as soon as there was another "feeding" process and a second symbol, the user understood that the lights symbolized meals.

Have a great week.

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