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  • Writer's pictureרויטל ברון

Focusing (but also Extending)

Updated: Nov 20, 2022

As part of verifying the need for pets' nutrition solutions with emphasis on dogs, we interviewed experts and stakeholders in this field - Veterinarian, dog trainers (even a military one), and dog owners with long term experience.

We tried not to bias them to speak about nutrition, and that floated some interesting insights regarding different needs in the area of dogs' caring:

  1. The user we going to deal with is the owner. The owner is the one who creates bad behavioral habits (and especially eating disorders) among dogs. Thus - fixing the dog's habits is equal to fixing his owners habits.

  2. One problem that seems to be common is overweight among dogs - which also strongly connects to (1).

  3. There is a big difference between targeting owners of a single dog (as a pet) and targeting owners of a group of dogs (as pets or some institution like a shelter).

  4. There are 2 perspectives we can choose between them - B2C vs. B2B (military for example). Each one has completely different needs.

We see that the main insight is that our user is the person and as a next step we'll have to examine which role we want this person to have - in home? in a pet shelter? in some military unit? or maybe a household with multiple pets...

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