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  • Writer's pictureרויטל ברון

Hopefully No More Changes!

We had tough two weeks in which we changed our ideas for the product a couple of times. From the hourglass, which was too independent from the feeding process.. to smart food container which was too complicated to use... And we are not detailing all the other crazy ideas that popped in hard times when the brain melted from over creativity.

Anyway, we succeeded to converge into one idea - smart clips for food bags!

The clip will indicate when it's time to feed and when it's not, and how many times the dog was already fed. You can configure a clip for the treats pack, and one for the food pack - for example if you want to limit the dog for 1 treat and 2 meals.

At any time the clip gives immediate indication if it's recommended to feed the dog.

In that way, it synchronizes between all the members of the house - children and adults.

We also had to do some art work, building 2 paper prototypes:

The first version was -

The second version was -

Where you can also see if someone fed the dog. (here the bone is half filled meaning someone already fed the dog once).

Our next steps should be to test our idea with potential users using the prototype, and starting to build the technological architecture for the product.

Stay tuned!

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