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  • Writer's picturetomkaplan

Meet Our First Product Version

In the last two weeks we gathered all our research into our first version for a solution.

We are talking about a digital hourglass that uses lights and sounds to nintificate for the family members when it is feeding time.

The hourglass has 3 main features:

  1. It's Feeding time! - the hourglass gives a visual and audio notification when its the right time to feed the dog.

  2. Countdown - when the user flips the hourglass, it begins a countdown of 15 mintues, to limit the eating time of the dog.

  3. No more treats for you! - everytime the user gives his dog a treat, he needs to push the treat button on the hourglass. When the limit is reached, the button turns into red, as an indication that the dog shouldn't get more treats.

We imagine our product with a cutting-edge design, one that people would like to have not just because of its great functionality, but for his look.

It should be user-friendly for all ages and.

Just for a little help with the imagination, we've add some Dall-E ideas ;)

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