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  • Writer's pictureAdi Negev

New semester, New Insights

When the first semester ended, we knew that our solution has big potential, but we also knew that we need to conduct more interviews and prototype validation with our end-users to get our solution to be even better.

So, we've conducted a couple of user testing and interviews that led us to some very interesting and good insights:

  • Usage of other colors than green and red.

  • Remove the indication when it's not time to feed.

  • The 2 indications are confusing in the current design.

  • Rethink the timer notification.

  • and the most important one: Find a way to present the number of times the dog has been given food in an understandable way so that there is correct synchronization between all family members.

We were also required to think of our MVP which is synchronization between family members.

We believe that the essence of our product is that when a family member reaches the dog's food bag, he will know two things:

1. Is it the right time to feed the dog.

2. Has anyone already fed the dog, and in general, how many times has the dog eaten today and has he finished his meal quota.

The first feedback is of course important to make sure the dog gets his food and gets it on time. The second feedback is important to give peace of mind to the user. When I see not only the marking of "it's time for food", but also the marking of "the dog has already eaten", I am also calmer because I can see with my own eyes that the dog has received food, and I am also sure that no one will get confused later and thus we can maintain optimal synchronization.

This is how we came up with a new way of showing the user about his dog meal quota and helping it to be more understandable to all family members - helping the synchronization between everybody.

A clip in the center of which there is a transparent channel where balls will be filled to count meals. When you feed too much, a ball with a red sad smile will appear. here is a demonstration of our prototype so far:

Looking forward to continue and improve our solution!

Stay tuned!

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